What madness is this, awake before the sun has even had a chance to rise? Awake prior to the alarm - which I did not set, going off. Awake when I could be sleeping for at least another hour, before being forced to wake to make it to work on time. I'm guessing I shouldn't have retired as early as I did last night. But then again, I was exhausted ...

I had an odd dream last night. A bit fuzzy now that my eyes are open, remembering what it was about is rather difficult. Normally I have a keen memory for dreams, able to do a play by play of the wierder ones, retelling the events as if they had actually happened. But not this one. The memory is there, just swimming around at the back of my head, dancing on the tip of my tongue but refusing to be defined by words.

And I'm just having thoughts of having thoughts ... (Thanks to Tori for that keen reference.)

Cleaned my car yesterday while KC was at dance class, even dumped a pint of oil in since the damn thing had gotten low despite the fact that I haven't hit the 3000 mile marker for the change. Not that I exactly heed to that all the time anyway. And actually, I have to admit that if it weren't for my Dad, the oil would hardly get changed ever. He either takes it in himself to have it done, or nags me until I cave. And what a great nagger he is. Although if truth be known, my Mom has him beat by a mile. Lucky for me however, she lives in North Carolina where I can more or less, worm my way out of half the things she knows that I know I should be doing. (If this doesn't get me a comment from YM aka Your Mother, which in this case is actually My Mother, nothing will. Unless of course I'm being ignored. Which is nearly impossible to do.)

It's 5:30 a.m.

Perhaps I should go back upstairs to bed and stare at the ceiling for a bit before having to function on command this morning. Hmmm ... Decisions, decisions.

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