Mixed Reviews

All is well that ends well. And so ended my review today on a high note, despite having to argue for most of my points. Points I knew I damn well deserved, regardless of upper managements wish for me to concede that I was an average employee at best. A method I'm sure works well for them when it comes time to hand out raises, but since this was review only with no bonus cash in sight, I decided to throw my chips in with the big boys. The funny thing is, I won. And I'm amazed at how quick a mountain can crumble when you call it on its bluff. Besides anyone who attempts to give me anything less than the full five points when the category is articulate, has got to be kidding ...

I spent the rest of the day up to my eyeballs in work, and should have probably stayed late tonight to catch up, but with collective thoughts running towards happy hour after work, I made a quick phone call home to Pops, got him to settle in KC for the night and met up with my cronies at the bar. And I swear, the first touch of liquor on my lips couldn't have tasted any better.

From there we decided to grab some dinner at a nice Italian restaurant in the city. Sitting six around a round table, we ordered up calamari and greens for starters, from a waiter whose Italian accent seemed to come and go depending on the words coming out of his mouth. Contrived or not however, the service was excellent. Especially when considering what a rowdy crowd we were, laughing and carrying on as if we were the only people in the room. (While the other people in the room, probably wished we'd all just finish our dinners and leave.)

But it was truly a great time. Then again, I always have fun when hanging out with Mike, Sean, Toni and the other boys. And it certainly doesn't hurt that they have a habit of footing the bill on these excursions. Sweet!

I am however on my last legs. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. I am so in need of the weekend.

1 comment:

Ron Simpson said...

only 5 .. I am thinking maybe 7 out of 5 on the articulate thing

Have a great weekend

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