Neighborhood Watch

Just to prove that I'm not crying wolf at all, it turns out that psycho boy next door has a prison record. As in just got out of prison record. And I am SO not filled with a warm and fuzzy feeling over the learning of this new information. Especially when hearing that KC's school was the scene of yet another showdown this afternoon between my neighbor, his estranged wife and the local police force. Evidently the father - aka psycho neighbor boy - attempted to abscond with the son without permission from the mom, causing one hell of a scene that every single child at KC's elementary witnessed while loading up to go home on their respective buses.

According to KC, whose heart is as deep as the ocean, their little boy was in complete hysterics, making her wish she could reach out to him to tell him everything would be okay. And I wish there was something I could do to help the poor kid out. It's so unfair that the adults who should be looking out for him and protecting him are too ignorant and selfish to do what's best for him. It makes me want to cry.

1 comment:

KC said...

Like all kids, KC has her moments. For the most part though, she's a pretty good kid ... It's only when she gets tired and cranky that I get scared ... :)

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