2005 Top Ten

A bit late, but as they say it's better to be late than never, my 2005 resolutions are now in full swing to either be studiously kept, conveniently forgotten or accidentally undone as fate would have it. And since I'm big on top ten lists, it's only fitting that I conserve my energies to those things that mean the most to me.

10. Get my finances back in order. Utilize savings account!

9. Lose the defense of clutter article tacked up on the fridge, and re-teach myself and KC the art of keeping a clean home. Donate those items that are no longer necessary and in good condition to Catholic Charities.

8. Take "IF" out of the equation. No more letting "IF" be an excuse for not accomplishing my dreams.

7. Get up, get out and get moving. A healthy Stacey is a happy Stacey.

6. Work for a living, but don't live for your work.

5. Be a better Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Woman.

4. Learn to like green vegetables, and other healthy foods.

3. Be open and available to finding love without losing myself in the process.

2. Make the world a better place, one small contribution at a time.

1. Complete the book I was born to write.

Oh and yeah, keep on blogging ...

1 comment:

Orbling said...

All wise words, which I'm sure you'll accomplish without trouble. Though 5 would take some doing. ;)

I particularly wish you continuing success with number 2, we could all do with that.

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