Advil On My Mind

I've a headache and I've been crying ... Not over anything important mind you, but a really good book. I'd say more, but I'm feeling all verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you yes another topic. Tomorrow that is ... Until then, this is why I'm taking two advils and going to bed.

PS. I Love You written by Cecelia Ahern (And she's only 23 years old! That's it! I've further depressed myself! I'm taking three advils!)


KC said...

I just wanted to mention that there are a few harsh reviews of this book on Amazon, but I assure you, if you have a heart still beating within your chest, this book will bring out your softer side. (I wouldn't be in tears otherwise.) As for all the mean reviewers, give the author a break, for a first publication it was pretty impressive, especially considering her age.

Amy S. Petrik said...

Three Advils? Try One Aleve! What's the book about? I need a good healthy cry. Unlike the sobbing I did last week about my medical bills. Goodnight my friend.

KC said...

Short and sweet book blurb ... It's about a young woman who becomes a widow after her husband dies from a cancerous brain tumor and how he left an envelope of note cards - one for each month - to help her get on with her life after his death.

Speaking of getting on with life ... I woke up an hour late this morning and I'm really going to be late to work. I better grow wings!

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