Why Bother?

To the idiot who felt the need to send me a one word email at approximately 1:54:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, please make a mental note that you are an ASSHOLE.

Main Entry: ass·hole
Pronunciation: 'as-"(h)Ol
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : usually vulgar : ANUS
2 a : usually vulgar : a stupid, incompetent, or detestable person b : usually vulgar : a despicable place; usually used in the phrase asshole of the universe

Now that we're on equal footing with the name calling, please make a mental note that your email has been saved for future reference and will be forwarded to AOL's gatekeepers should you feel the need to share your limited vocabulary again.

Oh and one more thing, I'm telling INKY to add you to the FUCKWIT LIST!


Orbling said...

Hmm, are people causing you grief Stacey?

Grr @ them.

No being nasty to Stacey, or you'll have a lot of fanatical bloggers to contend with!

Orbling said...

Unless that elastic band does come off and whack you, you'll swell up to a size 20. ;)

Who wants to be a size 6, those girls snap when the wind gets up. Careful does it though, playing with all those bands, you could end up trussed up like a cat's cradle.

When did exercise become so dangerous?? ;)

Amy S. Petrik said...

Yeah!! You referred me! I love to beat up bullies. And why did he or she call you a bad name? I don't get it? Yes I am adding to the fuckwit list.... will get it republished again. Will do it at least twice a month to keep it going on and on and on..... goodnight my dear friend. :) CHEERS, inky

KC said...

Have I told you all lately that I love you all?

So many heros ... So little time.

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