Inclement Weather

Freezing rain and snow ... You gotta love this shit even when you don't. And it's to bad us Upstater's are tough when it comes to crap weather, nothing ever closes unless the power goes out with no chance of coming back on. Oh well, I'm to work anyway.

(Bren ... Call me!)


KC said...

Glad you dropped by and enjoyed the visit. It's nice to know that someone out there still finds me amusing ... (Quite unlike my boss, though I swear I saw him crack a smile today.)

Happy it's almost the weekend!

Orbling said...

It's worrying watching NY's weather at this time of year. You're 10 degrees south of us, and our weather is nowhere near as bad as yours. Only see snow maybe one day a year, if that.

What with the North Atlantic Drift failing, we are going to have to adapt quite heavily....

You're all brave, a drop of snow on the ground here and everything comes to a total halt.

KC said...

Have four wheel drive, will travel ... Or at least leave the house long enough to forage for food.

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