My idol, my hero. Miss Bridget Jones.


Amy S. Petrik said...

I'm watching Bridget and Mark Darcy right now. I spent the afternoon watching the American version of BJD: Sex & The City and meeting Carrie Bradshaw. I've done nothing but take a shower, eat some soup and lay in bed in my jammies. God Bless Me and You.

Orbling said...

"done nothing but take a shower, eat some soup" - sounds like my normal day. ;)

Only watched this film for the first time this November, it was a pretty good film. Though I'm not quite in the target demographic... :S

The first film was better than the second in my opinion. Though the second may have been funnier, hard to tell.

L said...

My, my, my - it was on NBC tonight and I got to watch snippets. Can't wait to see the whole thing. I SO see me in her.

KC said...

L ... You must watch BJD in its entirety, preferably when you can't be interrupted, and can spend the entire time fathoming how much like BJD we all are, and how wonderful Colin Firth is to watch on screen right along with Hugh Grant. (Although I have to admit, my daughter has become quite a fan of the movie herself, so when I break out the DVD, there's no getting rid of her.)

Inky ... Everyone needs a good day in bed. I hope a day of absolute rest and relaxation has brightened your spirits. And of course, what better way to end the night than Bridget?

Orb ... I think you may fall out of the demographic target area, but you can still enjoy it just the same. And I do quite agree with you. The first BJD was quite awesomely funny. I myself was bitterly disappointed with the second coming. (Good thing I read the books to a better conclusion.)

Orbling said...

Well I'm certainly not worried about straying out of my demographic. I'll be the first in to see the latest romance film, or weepie...

Saw 3 films today at the cinema, and had a bit of a cry in one of them.

However, I have found that it's best to go on my own these days. As apart from the fact that I can't get my mates to see half the films I want to watch [the phrase "Isn't that a chick flick?", comes up a lot], they would take the emotion out of it with their heartless selves.. And ridicule me. More.

KC said...

I rather think it's wonderful that you go to the movies alone - with or without your friends who make fun of you for having a softer side and an appreciation for good movies.

I myself have yet to see a movie by myself. I keep chickening out for some stupid reason. I guess I'm just way too concerned with what the popcorn guy will think when he sees I'm going in alone.

And yes, I know I need to get over this ...

Orbling said...

Well my first ever blog post was on this subject... as you will see it was a hard decision....

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