Emotional Hijacking

I've spent almost the entire morning in what can be best described as emotional turmoil of the worst kind. I made an error in judgment and I will own it, because the fault is all mine. I shouldn't have posted the picture I took of my niece (waiting for the bus on her first official day of school) without gaining my sister's permission prior to doing so. It was wrong and I apologize for not respecting her privacy.

My Dad was pretty up in arms about it too. And as I could have guessed, my sister called him first thing this morning to tell him what a horrible person that I am. To be thirty years old and have your father call you to basically say what a shit he thinks you are for not thinking is pretty painful. But the worse thing was when he said that as far as he's concerned the whole idea of my blog is pretty stupid to him.
"I've never read it and I don't ever want to," he said. "If it's personal, it shouldn't be on the internet."

And without him reading it, there's no way to prove to him that it's not the SLAM book my sister has described, filled to the brim with evil content concerning my family and my lack of regard for them. But how do you prove this to someone who doesn't want to know the truth?

"I'm no different from Audrey," I tried to explain to my Dad. "Being a writer is like being an artist, except instead of colors I use words. No one has ever yelled at Audrey and told her she was stupid or complained about what she's painted. She's put her feelings on canvas and everyone tells her how proud they are of her."

"She doesn't post them on the internet though," he tossed back.

"No, she just puts them on display in a public gallery for anyone in the world to see. My writing, my blog, it's the same thing except they're words. My life put down on paper for anyone to read. It's who I am."

"I don't like it."

"That's just it. You don't have to. No one is forcing you to look at it, to read it, to even acknowledge that it exists. And SHE can do the same thing. SHE doesn't have to read it, and I've asked her time and time again not to. No one is holding her hostage and forcing her to look. SHE does that all on her own."

"Still Stacey ..." He said, "I don't want you posting anything about anyone on there anymore."

"I can't do that," I answered. "How can I write about my life, if I can't write about the people in it? It wouldn't be about me anymore, it wouldn't be real."

I could not however change my Father's mind, for much like me, once his mind is made up, he's too damn stubborn to change it.

I did however try to go on with my morning, despite feeling like I'd been run over by a Mack truck and a migraine the size of Kentucky. I thought we could all move on from here but as it turns out I was wrong.

Signing back on to my computer, I found two more emails from my sister regarding my infraction and my blog in general. I feel the need to post them here in defense of myself, to prove to all of you out there that I am really not this bad horrible person she says that I am, and because I think I really need to hear someone other than myself and my best friend say that this is really blown out of proportion.

This dear people is my sister as I've known her for the past 30 years ...

don’t call my house or I will get you for harassment, don’t show your face cause I promise you, I will not be forgiving this time. GROW UP! GET REAL!
ps I saved your message to play for DAD! TO hear how you turned something that you did on me! you are pathetic!
YOU SORRY SAKE OF SHIT! FUCK YOU FAT ASS! GEEK LOSER BITCH! 100% DRAMA QUEEN! poor Stacey, poor SKANK! BEFORE I GO< fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it wrong of me to hope that she really means to leave me alone this time? Do I really need a person who caused nothing but pain and hurt in my life? Can I wash my hands so easily of my flesh and blood? Have I really done anything to deserve this?

I feel like I'm on a sinking raft in the middle of the open sea.


KC said...

How about Anthony's or Trapper's? How's that for blasting back to the past?

Actually email me an idea of what locale you want ideas for ... We're all a little spread out area wise and I wouldn't want to pick something too far out of everybody's way ...

Oh heck, don't email me. I'll call.

Ron Simpson said...

Stacey .. I support ya .. I host a web group as owner and am board member of an incorported web group .. and one of 5 moderators of yet another group email list .. one thing we harp on to our members over and over is respecting privacy .. OK .. so you screwed up posting the kids pic .. you should be admonished and then it is over .. done .. 'nuff said .. The reaction of sister is born of jealousy .. if she reads the blog (as she says) she sees that your artistry is largely appreciated by those that read it .. and the more attention you recieve, the less she recieves .. she needs to GET OVER IT .. As an artist in several mediums (paint, photo, and words)I understand that each is an expression of your inner self .. I take lots of photos, I paint many works, I write many words .. the ones I share are the ones that express me best .. Keep posting that expression .. Do not be dragged down by the negativism of others ..
Oh yes, My wife, Tammy, says hell yes, it is ok to hope in vain that this is the end of her butting into your life .. It wont actually happen, but hoping is okay

Something I wrote ..
Words springing from my heart, falling from my head, I catch them in my hands and spread them out on paper.

Keep spreading the words

from the great migraine sized State of Kentucky

Coyote Girl said...

ok - here's where I weigh in...I love your blog, I love you, I think you write exceptionally well. Do I think you should post photos of ANY child on the internet - capital NO. Very big mistake and swallow your pride - say I'm sorry - It will never happen again. Remember pedophiles abound, sickos are everywhere, but if you ever stop writing, I will be struck with enormous grief. . And feel free to write about your family, your sister, your mother(particularly your mother as I appear to be fair game in the world of you and your sister), anyone in your family...just leave out any current photos of anyone...I'm truly sorry that your Dad doesn't get it and your sister doesn't get it (and boy, am I in deep now)...it's like having an itch - you simply have to scratch it...sometimes I feel like a voyeur, and at other times, I am dazzeled by your ability to string words likes a strand a pearls...Be a Pearl, Be an Evelyn, Be a Nancy, but most of all, be you...write, write, write, write the truth, write Your truth, but write and please write that book that the world is waiting for...I really think you have both the material and the talent. I remain (as always) your biggest fan. In a world where there is a loss of one on one connectiveness, your words reach out and touch...if a picture can tell a story of a thousand words, make your words paint that picture so we all can see it in our own limited ability to fully grasp another's life.

Mike said...

Ok, I have two things to say. First, although I wouldn't recommend posting pictures of your niece withour permission, I really think the danger has been exaggerated. Am I to believe that there are pedophiles lurking about, reading your blog, who have been waiting all this time for pictures of your niece? Ok, even if there are, am I then to believe that this group of pedophiles will be spurred to action by the picture, developing computer forensic skills advanced enough to identify the girl's location from the photo (which, admittedly, I did not see) ?

Sounds farfetched to me. I suppose it happens, but I'd bet your niece has more to fear from crossing a street than having her picture in your blog, statistically speaking.

Secondly, I don't know your sister, but I hope she treats her daughter better than she apparently treats other members of her family. The kind of hatred and bile seen in that email causes me to worry more about her influence on your niece than yours.

On a lighter note, I think I'm going to go have some cake. Mmmmm, everyone loves cake.

L said...

I want your Mom.

She seems to be the coolest. (Well, with the exception of you and I in our own rights as Moms now ourselves.)

KC said...

My Mom is pretty cool ... I only wished she lived closer.

Orbling said...

Forgive the phrase Stacey, but, listen to your mother. ;)

It all comes down to privacy and the apparent ownership of information. Many people don't seem to realise that their privacy only extends to what they keep secret. If you involve other people in your life, you give them rights over whatever knowledge/experiences you share with them. You are perfectly within your right to share your experiences, with whoever you please. If your sister doesn't like it, tough!!

I hate the over-protective society we live in, it's a shame that we feel afraid of such innocent things as a photo of a child on her first day of school. The internet is full of images, and I think anyone of any danger wouldn't think twice about something so regular.

Few people like people talking behind their back, so your dad is bound not to like it; he doesn't read it.

As for your sister... She should heed her own advice "Grow Up! Get Real!". I can not believe her language, so foul and immature. Saved a message to play to dad??? 30 years! You sure you didn't miss a decimal point?

I appreciate that I only have one side of the argument, but that email has no defence - it sickens me.

You're truly a wonderful person Stacey, gifted, smart and kind. Don't take her words to heart, show her kindness in time she may return it.

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