Searching for Sigmund

Very strange dreams last night involving swimming in a salt water stream and people dressed up in assorted fish-life costumes performing a synchronized swimming water show where the star mermaid was pissed because she wasn't getting enough face time ...

And there was more - such as a great white costume floating about all menacing like, as we trooped around playing star detectives for what purpose I haven't a clue, and the fact that the really hot guy in my dream was so much of an asshole that punching him in the face seemed to be a better option than letting him hang on to those good boy looks.

As silly as all this sounds, I didn't watch a speck of the Discovery channel last night to induce such oddities in my mind. This possibly more scary than I can even begin to imagine, suggesting that all of this just may be hanging around in my subconscious. Uh oh.

If there are any dream interpreters out there, feel free to dazzle me with your brilliance and go a little Freud on me.


Ron Simpson said...

Stacey ..




Unknown said...

The synchronized swimming reflects routine, while at the same time the most stressful, aspects of your life. Perhaps the fish represent both the fish as part of your routine and as metaphors for semi-volunteer imprisonment to that routine. The mermaid is you and your mad 'cause the routine is keeping you from something you know you need. Costumes generally reflect a disguise, possibly ones worn to escape the fear only you can name - represented by the hovering white menace, which could in turn be related to the detective portion in that it may represent your quest to assuage the aforementioned fear. Last but not least, the "really hot guy". I think he symbolizes the men in your life that have attracted you inspite of your base knowledge in your heart that something wasn't quite right...combine with the anger of finding out you were right...and presto, right hook to the face. Now, I recommend you find the really hot guy or his nearest equivalent and make him take you to Rome for at least a week...then dump him immediately upon your return! Alter your routine, hell make the fish wonder for a day or to. Give them Kibble and try the flakes out on the cats. Take that dancing game and play it out in front of your house, perhaps even in the street should the traffic patterns allow for it...put a mosquito net up around your office and play tapes of jungle music all know, improvise. ;) This is Sigmund, signing off. OFF

KC said...

Ron - Blue pills don't scare me as much as the men in the white coats ... Needless to say, it's all very scary being alone with my subconscious in a darkened room.

Tim - Excellent prognosis and wonderful filling in for Freud. You've given me (too) much to think about and I fear you may be very close to hitting the proverbial nail right on top of its proverbial head.

I'm going to have to reread your comment a few more times and see if I can piece my mind back together. Although I do quite think it would be far easier if my mind would just skip past all the symbolism and get straight to the point. Of course, it would take some of the fun out of finding the explanations.

Coyote Girl said...

We're back from cold northern Florida - and get off the Freud couch - there's only room for one and after the road trip with your grandmother, I need the couch much more than you do!!! I remain as always your biggest fan - Happy belated blog birthday!

KC said...

Speaking from experience, as one who has been in a car for over 12 hours with no hope for escape from Grams, I can feel your pain.

Remember ... WE love Gram, even when she's driving us bonkers and taking everything we say the exact opposite of how it was meant.

Consider me sharing my space on the couch ... Just as long as you keep your feet far away from me. :)

Hope to hear about your adventure soon, if not by email then perhaps a blog entry on your own blog. It's never too late to update. Heh ... Catchy phrase. Let's say it again for good measure.

It's never too late to update.

YD - over and out.

Reama said...

I'm no Freud, but I'd say this...
More sleep and less drugs might just fix all this up for ya...
Oh, and more sex. That cures just about anything.

KC said...

Good Lord people! I'm off the Tylenol already!

KC said...

You may be right about the sex thing too now that I think about it. Unfortunately the voracious sex goddess in me, has learned that she requires emotional attachment from the other person to make it all worth it.


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